File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*euclidean_cluster.hEuclidean_cluster_extraction class declaration
o*euclidean_cluster.hppEuclidean_cluster_extraction class implementation
o*euclidean_cluster_nodelet.cppA nodelet to implement the euclidean_cluster
o*filtering.hFiltering class declaration
o*filtering.hppFiltering class declaration
o*filtering_nodelet.cppA nodelet to implement point cloud filtering
o*laser_to_pc.cppA simple implementation to convert frames and transform a laser scan on a point cloud
o*laser_to_pc.hLaser_to_pc class declaration
o*laser_to_pc_nodelet.cppA nodelet to implement class to convert laser scan to point cloud
o*plane_road_extraction.hPlane_road_extraction class declaration
o*plane_road_extraction.hppPlane_road_extraction class implementation
o*plane_road_extraction_nodelet.cppA nodelet to implement and extract the road
o*region_growing.hClass for pcl region growing algorithm
o*region_growing.hppFile of function implementation of c++ class
o*region_growing_node.hRegion_growing_node class main declaration
o*region_growing_node.hppRegion_growing_node class functions implementation
o*region_growing_nodelet.cppA nodelet to implement the region growing algorithm
o*rviz_markers.hMarkers class main declaration
\*rviz_markers.hppMarkers class functions implementation

Author(s): Tiago Talhada
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:39