LaneDetector Namespace Reference


struct  CameraInfo
 Camera Calibration info. More...
struct  IPMInfo
struct  LaneDetectorConf
 Structure to hold lane detector settings. More...
struct  Line
 Line structure with start and end points. More...
struct  LineState_
struct  Spline
 Spline structure. More...


typedef struct
 Camera Calibration info.
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef struct
 Structure to hold lane detector settings.
typedef struct LaneDetector::Line Line
 Line structure with start and end points.
typedef enum
 Line color.
typedef struct
typedef enum
 Line type.
typedef struct LaneDetector::Spline Spline
 Spline structure.


enum  CheckSplineStatus_ { ShortSpline = 0x1, CurvedSpline = 0x2, CurvedSplineTheta = 0x4, HorizontalSpline = 0x8 }

Line color.

enum  LineType_ { LINE_HORIZONTAL = 0, LINE_VERTICAL = 1 }

Line type.



void dummy ()
void imageCallback (const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &original_image)
CvPoint2D32f mcvAddVector (CvPoint2D32f v1, CvPoint2D32f v2)
void mcvBinarizeImage (CvMat *inImage)
void mcvCheckLaneWidth (vector< Line > &lines, vector< float > &scores, float wMu, float wSigma)
 This function takes a bunch of lines, and check which 2 lines can make a lane.
bool mcvCheckMergeLines (const Line &line1, const Line &line2, float thetaThreshold, float rThreshold)
bool mcvCheckMergeSplines (const Spline &sp1, const Spline &sp2, float thetaThreshold, float rThreshold, float meanThetaThreshold, float meanRThreshold, float centroidThreshold)
int mcvCheckPoints (const CvMat *points)
int mcvCheckSpline (const Spline &spline, float curvenessThreshold, float lengthThreshold, float thetaDiffThreshold, float thetaThreshold)
int mcvChooseBestPeak (const vector< CvPoint2D32f > &peaks, const vector< float > &peakVals, CvPoint2D32f &peak, float &peakVal, float contThreshold, const CvPoint2D32f &tangent, const CvPoint2D32f &prevPoint, float angleThreshold)
void mcvCumSum (const CvMat *inMat, CvMat *outMat)
void mcvDrawLine (CvMat *image, Line line, CvScalar color, int width)
void mcvDrawRectangle (CvMat *image, CvRect rect, CvScalar color, int width)
void mcvDrawSpline (CvMat *image, Spline spline, CvScalar color, int width)
void mcvDrawText (CvMat *image, char *str, CvPoint point, float size, CvScalar color)
CvMat * mcvEvalBezierSpline (const Spline &spline, float h, CvMat *tangents)
CvMat * mcvExtendPoints (const CvMat *im, const CvMat *inPoints, float angleThreshold, float meanDirAngleThreshold, int linePixelsTangent, int linePixelsNormal, float contThreshold, int deviationThreshold, CvRect bbox, bool smoothPeaks)
void mcvFilterLines (const CvMat *inImage, CvMat *outImage, unsigned char wx, unsigned char wy, FLOAT sigmax, FLOAT sigmay, LineType lineType)
Spline mcvFitBezierSpline (CvMat *points, int degree)
void mcvFitRansacLine (const CvMat *image, int numSamples, int numIterations, float threshold, float scoreThreshold, int numGoodFit, bool getEndPoints, LineType lineType, Line *lineXY, float *lineRTheta, float *lineScore)
void mcvFitRansacSpline (const CvMat *image, int numSamples, int numIterations, float threshold, float scoreThreshold, int numGoodFit, int splineDegree, float h, Spline *spline, float *splineScore, int splineScoreJitter, float splineScoreLengthRatio, float splineScoreAngleRatio, float splineScoreStep, vector< Spline > *prevSplines)
void mcvFitRobustLine (const CvMat *points, float *lineRTheta, float *lineAbc)
void mcvGet2DerivativeGaussianKernel (CvMat *kernel, unsigned char w, FLOAT sigma)
CvMat * mcvGetBezierSplinePixels (Spline &spline, float h, CvSize box, bool extendSpline)
Line mcvGetExtendedNormalLine (CvPoint2D32f &curPoint, CvPoint2D32f &tangent, int linePixelsTangent, int linePixelsNormal, CvPoint2D32f &nextPoint)
void mcvGetGaussianKernel (CvMat *kernel, unsigned char w, FLOAT sigma)
void mcvGetHoughTransformLines (const CvMat *inImage, vector< Line > *lines, vector< FLOAT > *lineScores, FLOAT rMin, FLOAT rMax, FLOAT rStep, FLOAT thetaMin, FLOAT thetaMax, FLOAT thetaStep, bool binarize, bool localMaxima, FLOAT detectionThreshold, bool smoothScores, bool group, FLOAT groupThreshold)
void mcvGetHVLines (const CvMat *inImage, vector< Line > *lines, vector< FLOAT > *lineScores, LineType lineType, FLOAT linePixelWidth, bool binarize, bool localMaxima, FLOAT detectionThreshold, bool smoothScores)
void mcvGetIPM (const CvMat *inImage, CvMat *outImage, IPMInfo *ipmInfo, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo, list< CvPoint > *outPoints)
void mcvGetIPMExtent (const CameraInfo *cameraInfo, IPMInfo *ipmInfo)
vector< int > mcvGetJitterVector (int maxJitter)
void mcvGetLanes (const CvMat *inImage, const CvMat *clrImage, vector< Line > *lanes, vector< FLOAT > *lineScores, vector< Spline > *splines, vector< float > *splineScores, CameraInfo *cameraInfo, LaneDetectorConf *stopLineConf, LineState *state)
float mcvGetLineAngle (const Line &line)
void mcvGetLineExtent (const CvMat *im, const Line &inLine, Line &outLine)
float mcvGetLinePeak (const CvMat *im, const Line &line, vector< CvPoint2D32f > &peaks, vector< float > &peakVals, bool positivePeak, bool smoothPeaks)
CvMat * mcvGetLinePixels (const Line &line)
void mcvGetLines (const CvMat *image, LineType lineType, vector< Line > &lines, vector< float > &lineScores, vector< Spline > &splines, vector< float > &splineScores, LaneDetectorConf *lineConf, LineState *state)
void mcvGetLinesBoundingBoxes (const vector< Line > &lines, LineType type, CvSize size, vector< CvRect > &boxes)
 This function extracts bounding boxes from lines.
double mcvGetLocalMaxSubPixel (double val1, double val2, double val3)
void mcvGetMatLocalMax (const CvMat *inMat, vector< double > &localMaxima, vector< CvPoint > &localMaximaLoc, double threshold)
void mcvGetMatMax (const CvMat *inMat, vector< double > &maxima, vector< CvPoint > &maximaLoc, double threshold)
CvMat * mcvGetNonZeroPoints (const CvMat *inMat, bool floatMat)
LineColor mcvGetPointsColor (const CvMat *im, const CvMat *points, int window, float numYellowMin, float rgMin, float rgMax, float gbMin, float rbMin, bool rbf, float rbfThreshold)
void mcvGetPointsFeatures (const CvMat *points, CvPoint2D32f *centroid, float *theta, float *r, float *length, float *meanTheta, float *meanR, float *curveness)
CvPoint2D32f mcvGetPointsMeanVector (const CvMat *points, bool forward)
FLOAT mcvGetQuantile (const CvMat *mat, FLOAT qtile)
void mcvGetRansacLines (const CvMat *im, vector< Line > &lines, vector< float > &lineScores, LaneDetectorConf *lineConf, LineType lineType)
void mcvGetRansacSplines (const CvMat *im, vector< Line > &lines, vector< float > &lineScores, LaneDetectorConf *lineConf, LineType lineType, vector< Spline > &splines, vector< float > &splineScores, LineState *state)
void mcvGetSplineFeatures (const Spline &spline, CvPoint2D32f *centroid, float *theta, float *r, float *length, float *meanTheta, float *meanR, float *curveness)
void mcvGetSplinesBoundingBoxes (const vector< Spline > &splines, LineType type, CvSize size, vector< CvRect > &boxes)
 This function extracts bounding boxes from splines.
float mcvGetSplineScore (const CvMat *image, Spline &spline, float h, int jitterVal, float lengthRatio, float angleRatio)
void mcvGetStopLines (const CvMat *inImage, vector< Line > *stopLines, vector< float > *lineScores, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo, LaneDetectorConf *stopLineConf)
void mcvGetStopLines (const CvMat *inImage, vector< Line > *stopLines, vector< FLOAT > *lineScores, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo, LaneDetectorConf *stopLineConf)
FLOAT_POINT2D mcvGetVanishingPoint (const CameraInfo *cameraInfo)
void mcvGetVectorLocalMax (const CvMat *inVec, vector< double > &localMaxima, vector< int > &localMaximaLoc)
void mcvGetVectorMax (const CvMat *inVector, double *max, int *maxLoc, int ignore)
float mcvGetVectorNorm (const CvPoint2D32f &v)
void mcvGroupBoundingBoxes (vector< CvRect > &boxes, LineType type, float groupThreshold)
 This function groups together bounding boxes.
void mcvGroupLines (vector< Line > &lines, vector< float > &lineScores, float groupThreshold, CvSize bbox)
void mcvGroupSplines (vector< Spline > &splines, vector< float > &scores)
void mcvInitCameraInfo (char *const fileName, CameraInfo *cameraInfo)
void mcvInitLaneDetectorConf (char *const fileName, LaneDetectorConf *stopLineConf)
void mcvIntersectLineRThetaWithBB (FLOAT r, FLOAT theta, const CvSize bbox, Line *outLine)
void mcvIntersectLineRThetaWithRect (FLOAT r, FLOAT theta, const Line &rect, Line &outLine)
void mcvIntersectLineWithBB (const Line *inLine, const CvSize bbox, Line *outLine)
bool mcvIsPointInside (FLOAT_POINT2D &point, const CvRect &rect)
bool mcvIsPointInside (FLOAT_POINT2D &point, const Line &rect)
bool mcvIsPointInside (FLOAT_POINT2D point, CvSize bbox)
bool mcvIsValidPeak (const CvPoint2D32f &peak, const CvPoint2D32f &tangent, const CvPoint2D32f &prevPoint, float angleThreshold)
void mcvLines2Mat (const vector< Line > *lines, CvMat *mat)
void mcvLinesImIPM2Im (vector< Line > &lines, IPMInfo &ipmInfo, CameraInfo &cameraInfo, CvSize imSize)
void mcvLineXY2RTheta (const Line &line, float &r, float &theta)
Spline mcvLineXY2Spline (const Line &line, int degree)
void mcvLoadImage (const char *filename, CvMat **clrImage, CvMat **channelImage)
void mcvLocalizePoints (const CvMat *im, const CvMat *inPoints, CvMat *outPoints, int numLinePixels, float angleThreshold)
void mcvMat2Lines (const CvMat *mat, vector< Line > *lines)
void mcvMatInt2Float (const CvMat *inMat, CvMat *outMat)
CvPoint2D32f mcvMultiplyVector (CvPoint2D32f v, float s)
CvPoint2D32f mcvNormalizeVector (float x, float y)
CvPoint2D32f mcvNormalizeVector (const CvPoint &v)
CvPoint2D32f mcvNormalizeVector (const CvPoint2D32f &v)
void mcvPointImIPM2World (FLOAT_POINT2D *point, const IPMInfo *ipmInfo)
void mcvPostprocessLines (const CvMat *image, const CvMat *clrImage, const CvMat *rawipm, const CvMat *fipm, vector< Line > &lines, vector< float > &lineScores, vector< Spline > &splines, vector< float > &splineScores, LaneDetectorConf *lineConf, LineState *state, IPMInfo &ipmInfo, CameraInfo &cameraInfo)
void mcvSampleWeighted (const CvMat *cumSum, int numSamples, CvMat *randInd, CvRNG *rng)
void mcvScaleCameraInfo (CameraInfo *cameraInfo, CvSize size)
void mcvScaleMat (const CvMat *inMat, CvMat *outMat)
void mcvSetMat (CvMat *inMat, CvRect mask, double val)
void mcvSortPoints (const CvMat *inPoints, CvMat *outPoints, int dim, int dir)
void mcvSplinesImIPM2Im (vector< Spline > &splines, IPMInfo &ipmInfo, CameraInfo &cameraInfo, CvSize imSize)
CvPoint2D32f mcvSubtractVector (const CvPoint2D32f &v1, const CvPoint2D32f &v2)
void mcvThresholdLower (const CvMat *inMat, CvMat *outMat, FLOAT threshold)
void mcvTransformGround2Image (const CvMat *inPoints, CvMat *outPoints, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo)
void mcvTransformImage2Ground (const CvMat *inPoints, CvMat *outPoints, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo)
void mcvTransformImIPM2Ground (const CvMat *inMat, CvMat *outMat, const IPMInfo *ipmInfo)
void mcvTransformImIPM2Im (const CvMat *inMat, CvMat *outMat, const IPMInfo *ipmInfo, const CameraInfo *cameraInfo)
template<class T >
CvMat * mcvVector2Mat (const vector< T > &vec)
void ProcessImage (const char *filename, CameraInfo &cameraInfo, LaneDetectorConf &lanesConf, LaneDetectorConf &stoplinesConf, gengetopt_args_info &options, ofstream *outputFile=NULL, int index=0, clock_t *elapsedTime=NULL)
bool ReadLines (const char *filename, vector< string > *lines)
void SHOT_MAT_TYPE (const CvMat *pmat)
void SHOW_IMAGE (Mat pmat, char str[])
void SHOW_IMAGE (const IplImage *pmat, char str[])
void SHOW_IMAGE (const CvMat *pmat, const char str[], int wait)
void SHOW_LINE (const Line line, char str[])
void SHOW_MAT (const CvMat *pmat, char str[])
void SHOW_POINT (const FLOAT_POINT2D pt, char str[])
void SHOW_RECT (const CvRect rect, char str[])
void SHOW_SPLINE (const Spline spline, char str[])



Typedef Documentation

Camera Calibration info.

Structure to hold the info about IPM transformation

Structure to hold lane detector settings.

Line structure with start and end points.

Line color.

Structure to hold state used for initializing the next detection process from a previous one

Line type.

Spline structure.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 70 of file LaneDetector.hh.

Line color.


Definition at line 27 of file LaneDetector.hh.

Line type.


Definition at line 21 of file LaneDetector.hh.

Function Documentation

void LaneDetector::dummy (  ) 

Definition at line 7342 of file LaneDetector.cpp.

void LaneDetector::imageCallback ( const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &  original_image  ) 

Função a executar quando é recebida uma mensaguem com uma imagem nova

Definition at line 86 of file main.cpp.

CvPoint2D32f LaneDetector::mcvAddVector ( CvPoint2D32f  v1,
CvPoint2D32f  v2 

This functions adds two vectors and returns the result

v1 the first vector
v2 the second vector
the sum
void LaneDetector::mcvBinarizeImage ( CvMat *  inImage  ) 

This function binarizes the input image i.e. nonzero elements becomen 1 and others are 0.

inImage input & output image

This function binarizes the input image i.e. nonzero elements become 1 and others are 0.

inImage input & output image
void LaneDetector::mcvCheckLaneWidth ( vector< Line > &  lines,
vector< float > &  scores,
float  wMu,
float  wSigma 

This function takes a bunch of lines, and check which 2 lines can make a lane.

lines vector of lines
scores vector of line scores
wMu expected lane width
wSigma std deviation of lane width
bool LaneDetector::mcvCheckMergeLines ( const Line &  line1,
const Line &  line2,
float  thetaThreshold,
float  rThreshold 

This functions checks if to merge two splines or not

line1 the first line
line2 the second line
thetaThreshold Angle threshold for merging splines (radians)
rThreshold R threshold (distance from origin) for merginn splines
true if to merge, false otherwise
bool LaneDetector::mcvCheckMergeSplines ( const Spline &  sp1,
const Spline &  sp2,
float  thetaThreshold,
float  rThreshold,
float  meanThetaThreshold,
float  meanRThreshold,
float  centroidThreshold 

This functions checks if to merge two splines or not

sp1 the first spline
sp2 the second spline
thetaThreshold Angle threshold for merging splines (radians)
rThreshold R threshold (distance from origin) for merginn splines
MeanhetaThreshold Mean angle threshold for merging splines (radians)
MeanRThreshold Mean r threshold (distance from origin) for merginn splines
centroidThreshold Distance threshold between spline cetroids for merging
true if to merge, false otherwise
int LaneDetector::mcvCheckPoints ( const CvMat *  points  ) 

This function makes some checks on points and decides whether to keep them or not

points the array of points to check
code that determines what to do with the points
int LaneDetector::mcvCheckSpline ( const Spline &  spline,
float  curvenessThreshold,
float  lengthThreshold,
float  thetaDiffThreshold,
float  thetaThreshold 

This function makes some checks on splines and decides whether to keep them or not

spline the input spline
curvenessThreshold minimum curveness score it should have
lengthThreshold mimimum threshold it should have
thetaDiffThreshold max theta diff it should have
thetaThreshold max theta it should have to be considered horizontal
code that determines what to do with the spline
int LaneDetector::mcvChooseBestPeak ( const vector< CvPoint2D32f > &  peaks,
const vector< float > &  peakVals,
CvPoint2D32f &  peak,
float &  peakVal,
float  contThreshold,
const CvPoint2D32f &  tangent,
const CvPoint2D32f &  prevPoint,
float  angleThreshold 

This functions chooses the best peak that minimizes deviation from the tangent direction given

peaks the peaks found
peakVals the values for the peaks
peak the returned peak
peakVal the peak value for chosen peak, -1 if nothing
contThreshold the threshold to get peak above
tangent the tangent line along which the peak was found normal to (normalized)
prevPoint the previous point along the tangent
angleThreshold the angle threshold to consider for valid peaks
index of peak chosen, -1 if nothing
void LaneDetector::mcvCumSum ( const CvMat *  inMat,
CvMat *  outMat 

This function computes the cumulative sum for a vector

inMat input matrix
outMat output matrix
void LaneDetector::mcvDrawLine ( CvMat *  image,
Line  line,
CvScalar  color,
int  width 

This function draws a line onto the passed image

image the input iamge
line input line
line color
width line width
void LaneDetector::mcvDrawRectangle ( CvMat *  image,
CvRect  rect,
CvScalar  color,
int  width 

This function draws a rectangle onto the passed image

image the input iamge
rect the input rectangle
color the rectangle color
width the rectangle width

This function draws a rectangle onto the passed image

image the input image
rect the input rectangle
color the rectangle color
width the rectangle width
void LaneDetector::mcvDrawSpline ( CvMat *  image,
Spline  spline,
CvScalar  color,
int  width 

This function draws a spline onto the passed image

image the input iamge
spline input spline
spline color
void LaneDetector::mcvDrawText ( CvMat *  image,
char *  str,
CvPoint  point,
float  size,
CvScalar  color 

This function draws a spline onto the passed image

image the input iamge
str the string to put
point the point where to put the text
size the font size
color the font color
CvMat * LaneDetector::mcvEvalBezierSpline ( const Spline &  spline,
float  h,
CvMat *  tangents 

This function evaluates Bezier spline with given resolution

spline input spline
h the input resolution
tangents compute tangents at the two endpoints [t0; t1]
computed points in an array Nx2 [x,y]

This function evaluates Bezier spline with given resolution

spline input spline
h the input resolution
tangents the tangents at the two end-points of the spline [t0; t1]
computed points in an array Nx2 [x,y]
CvMat * LaneDetector::mcvExtendPoints ( const CvMat *  im,
const CvMat *  inPoints,
float  angleThreshold,
float  meanDirAngleThreshold,
int  linePixelsTangent,
int  linePixelsNormal,
float  contThreshold,
int  deviationThreshold,
CvRect  bbox,
bool  smoothPeaks 

This functions extends the given set of points in both directions to extend curves and lines in the image

im the input image
inPoints the input points Nx2 matrix of points
angleThreshold angle threshold used for extending
meanDirAngleThreshold angle threshold from mean direction
linePixelsTangent number of pixels to go in tangent direction
linePixelsNormal number of pixels to go in normal direction
contThreshold number of pixels to go in tangent direction
deviationThreshold Stop extending when number of deviating points exceeds this threshold
bbox a bounding box not to get points outside
smoothPeak whether to smooth for calculating peaks or not
void LaneDetector::mcvFilterLines ( const CvMat *  inImage,
CvMat *  outImage,
unsigned char  wx,
unsigned char  wy,
FLOAT  sigmax,
FLOAT  sigmay,
LineType  lineType 

This function filters the input image looking for horizontal or vertical lines with specific width or height.

inImage the input image
outImage the output image in IPM
wx width of kernel window in x direction = 2*wx+1 (default 2)
wy width of kernel window in y direction = 2*wy+1 (default 2)
sigmax std deviation of kernel in x (default 1)
sigmay std deviation of kernel in y (default 1)
lineType type of the line LINE_HORIZONTAL (default) LINE_VERTICAL
Spline LaneDetector::mcvFitBezierSpline ( CvMat *  points,
int  degree 

This function fits a Bezier spline to the passed input points

points the input points
degree the required spline degree
spline the returned spline
void LaneDetector::mcvFitRansacLine ( const CvMat *  image,
int  numSamples,
int  numIterations,
float  threshold,
float  scoreThreshold,
int  numGoodFit,
bool  getEndPoints,
LineType  lineType,
Line *  lineXY,
float *  lineRTheta,
float *  lineScore 

This functions implements RANSAC algorithm for line fitting given an image

image input image
numSamples number of samples to take every iteration
numIterations number of iterations to run
threshold threshold to use to assess a point as a good fit to a line
numGoodFit number of points close enough to say there's a good fit
getEndPoints whether to get the end points of the line from the data, just intersect with the image boundaries
lineType the type of line to look for (affects getEndPoints)
lineXY the fitted line
lineRTheta the fitted line [r; theta]
lineScore the score of the line detected
void LaneDetector::mcvFitRansacSpline ( const CvMat *  image,
int  numSamples,
int  numIterations,
float  threshold,
float  scoreThreshold,
int  numGoodFit,
int  splineDegree,
float  h,
Spline *  spline,
float *  splineScore,
int  splineScoreJitter,
float  splineScoreLengthRatio,
float  splineScoreAngleRatio,
float  splineScoreStep,
vector< Spline > *  prevSplines 

This functions implements RANSAC algorithm for spline fitting given an image

image input image
numSamples number of samples to take every iteration
numIterations number of iterations to run
threshold threshold to use to assess a point as a good fit to a line
numGoodFit number of points close enough to say there's a good fit
splineDegree the spline degree to fit
h the resolution to use for splines
spline the fitted line
splineScore the score of the line detected
splineScoreJitter Number of pixels to go around the spline to compute score
splineScoreLengthRatio Ratio of spline length to use
splineScoreAngleRatio Ratio of spline angle to use
splineScoreStep Step to use for spline score computation
prevSplines the splines from the previous frame, to use as initial seeds pass NULL to ignore this input
void LaneDetector::mcvFitRobustLine ( const CvMat *  points,
float *  lineRTheta,
float *  lineAbc 

This functions fits a line using the orthogonal distance to the line by minimizing the sum of squares of this distance.

points the input points to fit the line to which is 2xN matrix with x values on first row and y values on second
lineRTheta the return line [r, theta] where the line is x*cos(theta)+y*sin(theta)=r
lineAbc the return line in [a, b, c] where the line is a*x+b*y+c=0
void LaneDetector::mcvGet2DerivativeGaussianKernel ( CvMat *  kernel,
unsigned char  w,
FLOAT  sigma 

This function gets a 1-D second derivative gaussian filter with specified std deviation and range

kernel input mat to hold the kernel (2*w+1x1) column vector (already allocated)
w width of kernel is 2*w+1
sigma std deviation
CvMat * LaneDetector::mcvGetBezierSplinePixels ( Spline &  spline,
float  h,
CvSize  box,
bool  extendSpline 

This function returns pixel coordinates for the Bezier spline with the given resolution.

spline input spline
h the input resolution
box the bounding box
extendSpline whether to extend spline with straight lines or not (default false)
computed points in an array Nx2 [x,y], returns NULL if empty output
Line LaneDetector::mcvGetExtendedNormalLine ( CvPoint2D32f &  curPoint,
CvPoint2D32f &  tangent,
int  linePixelsTangent,
int  linePixelsNormal,
CvPoint2D32f &  nextPoint 

This functions extends a point along the tangent and gets the normal line at the new point

curPoint the current point to extend
tangent the tangent at this point (not necessarily normalized)
linePixelsTangent the number of pixels to go in tangent direction
linePixelsNormal the number of pixels to go in normal direction
nextPoint the next point on the extended line
the normal line at new point

This functions extends a point along the tangent and gets the normal line at the new point

curPoint the current point to extend
tangent the tangent at this point (not necessarily normalized)
linePixelsTangent the number of pixels to go in tangent direction
linePixelsNormal the number of pixels to go in normal direction
the normal line at new point
void LaneDetector::mcvGetGaussianKernel ( CvMat *  kernel,
unsigned char  w,
FLOAT  sigma 

This function gets a 1-D gaussian filter with specified std deviation and range

kernel input mat to hold the kernel (2*w+1x1) column vector (already allocated)
w width of kernel is 2*w+1
sigma std deviation
void LaneDetector::mcvGetHoughTransformLines ( const CvMat *  inImage,
vector< Line > *  lines,
vector< FLOAT > *  lineScores,
FLOAT  rMin,
FLOAT  rMax,
FLOAT  rStep,
FLOAT  thetaMin,
FLOAT  thetaMax,
FLOAT  thetaStep,
bool  binarize,
bool  localMaxima,
FLOAT  detectionThreshold,
bool  smoothScores,
bool  group,
FLOAT  groupThreshold 

This function detects lines in images using Hough transform

inImage input image
lines vector of lines to hold the results
lineScores scores of the detected lines (vector of floats)
rMin minimum r use for finding the lines (default 0)
rMax maximum r to find (default max(size(im)))
rStep step to use for binning (default is 2)
thetaMin minimum angle theta to look for (default 0) all in radians
thetaMax maximum angle theta to look for (default 2*pi)
thetaStep step to use for binning theta (default 5)
binarize if to binarize the input image or use the raw values so that non-zero values are not treated as equal
localMaxima whether to detect local maxima or just get the maximum
detectionThreshold threshold for detection
smoothScores whether to smooth scores detected or not
group whether to group nearby detections (1) or not (0 default)
groupThreshold the minimum distance used for grouping (default 10)


void LaneDetector::mcvGetHVLines ( const CvMat *  inImage,
vector< Line > *  lines,
vector< FLOAT > *  lineScores,
LineType  lineType,
FLOAT  linePixelWidth,
bool  binarize,
bool  localMaxima,
FLOAT  detectionThreshold,
bool  smoothScores 

This function groups the input filtered image into horizontal or vertical lines.

inImage input image
lines returned detected lines (vector of points)
lineScores scores of the detected lines (vector of floats)
lineType type of lines to detect LINE_HORIZONTAL (default) or LINE_VERTICAL
linePixelWidth width (or height) of lines to detect
localMaxima whether to detect local maxima or just get the maximum
detectionThreshold threshold for detection
smoothScores whether to smooth scores detected or not
void LaneDetector::mcvGetIPM ( const CvMat *  inImage,
CvMat *  outImage,
IPMInfo *  ipmInfo,
const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo,
list< CvPoint > *  outPoints 

This function returns the Inverse Perspective Mapping of the input image, assuming a flat ground plane, and given the camera parameters.

inImage the input image
outImage the output image in IPM
ipmInfo the returned IPM info for the transformation
focalLength focal length (in x and y direction)
cameraInfo the camera parameters
outPoints indices of points outside the image

This function returns the Inverse Perspective Mapping of the input image, assuming a flat ground plane, and given the camera parameters.

inImage the input image
outImage the output image in IPM
ipmInfo the returned IPM info for the transformation
focalLength focal length (in x and y direction)
cameraInfo the camera parameters
void LaneDetector::mcvGetIPMExtent ( const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo,
IPMInfo *  ipmInfo 

Gets the extent of the image on the ground plane given the camera parameters

cameraInfo the input camera info
ipmInfo the IPM info containing the extent on ground plane: xLimits & yLimits only are changed
vector< int > LaneDetector::mcvGetJitterVector ( int  maxJitter  ) 

This functions returns a vector of jitter from the input maxJitter value This is used for computing spline scores for example, to get scores around the rasterization of the spline

maxJitter the max value to look around
the required vector of jitter values
void LaneDetector::mcvGetLanes ( const CvMat *  inImage,
const CvMat *  clrImage,
vector< Line > *  lanes,
vector< FLOAT > *  lineScores,
vector< Spline > *  splines,
vector< float > *  splineScores,
CameraInfo *  cameraInfo,
LaneDetectorConf *  stopLineConf,
LineState *  state 

This function detects lanes in the input image using IPM transformation and the input camera parameters. The returned lines are in a vector of Line objects, having start and end point in input image frame.

image the input image
lanes a vector of returned stop lines in input image coordinates
linescores a vector of line scores returned
cameraInfo the camera parameters
stopLineConf parameters for stop line detection
state returns the current state and inputs the previous state to initialize the current detection (NULL to ignore)
float LaneDetector::mcvGetLineAngle ( const Line &  line  ) 

This functions gets the angle of the line with the horizontal

line the line
the required angle (radians)
void LaneDetector::mcvGetLineExtent ( const CvMat *  im,
const Line &  inLine,
Line &  outLine 

This functions implements Bresenham's algorithm for getting pixels of the line given its two endpoints

im the input image
inLine the input line
outLine the output line

This functions implements Bresenham's algorithm for getting pixels of the line given its two endpoints

line the input line
x a vector of x locations for the line pixels (0-based)
y a vector of y locations for the line pixels (0-based) This functions implements Bresenham's algorithm for getting pixels of the line given its two endpoints
im the input image
inLine the input line
outLine the output line
float LaneDetector::mcvGetLinePeak ( const CvMat *  im,
const Line &  line,
vector< CvPoint2D32f > &  peaks,
vector< float > &  peakVals,
bool  positivePeak,
bool  smoothPeaks 

This functions gets the point on the input line that matches the peak in the input image, where the peak is the middle of a bright line on dark background in the image

im the input image
line input line
peaks a vector of peak outputs
peakVals the values for each of these peaks
positivePeak whether we are looking for positive or negative peak(default true)
smoothPeaks whether to smooth pixels for calculating peaks or not
CvMat * LaneDetector::mcvGetLinePixels ( const Line &  line  ) 

This functions implements Bresenham's algorithm for getting pixels of the line given its two endpoints

line the input line
void LaneDetector::mcvGetLines ( const CvMat *  image,
LineType  lineType,
vector< Line > &  lines,
vector< float > &  lineScores,
vector< Spline > &  splines,
vector< float > &  splineScores,
LaneDetectorConf *  lineConf,
LineState *  state 

This function extracts lines from the passed infiltered and thresholded image

image the input thresholded filtered image
lineType the line type to look for (LINE_VERTICAL or LINE_HORIZONTAL)
lines a vector of lines
lineScores the line scores
splines a vector of returned splines
splineScores the spline scores
lineConf the conf structure
state the state for RANSAC splines
void LaneDetector::mcvGetLinesBoundingBoxes ( const vector< Line > &  lines,
LineType  type,
CvSize  size,
vector< CvRect > &  boxes 

This function extracts bounding boxes from lines.

lines vector of lines
type the type of lines (LINE_HORIZONTAL or LINE_VERTICAL)
size the size of image containing the lines
boxes a vector of output bounding boxes
double LaneDetector::mcvGetLocalMaxSubPixel ( double  val1,
double  val2,
double  val3 

This fits a parabola to the entered data to get the location of local maximum with sub-pixel accuracy

val1 first value
val2 second value
val3 third value
the computed location of the local maximum
void LaneDetector::mcvGetMatLocalMax ( const CvMat *  inMat,
vector< double > &  localMaxima,
vector< CvPoint > &  localMaximaLoc,
double  threshold 

This function gets the local maxima in a matrix and their positions and its location

inMat input matrix
localMaxima the output vector of local maxima
localMaximaLoc the vector of locations of the local maxima, where each location is cvPoint(x=col, y=row) zero-based

This function gets the local maxima in a matrix and their positions and its location

inMat input matrix
localMaxima the output vector of local maxima
localMaximaLoc the vector of locations of the local maxima, where each location is cvPoint(x=col, y=row) zero-based
threshold threshold to return local maxima above
void LaneDetector::mcvGetMatMax ( const CvMat *  inMat,
vector< double > &  maxima,
vector< CvPoint > &  maximaLoc,
double  threshold 

This function gets the locations and values of all points above a certain threshold

inMat input matrix
maxima the output vector of maxima
maximaLoc the vector of locations of the maxima, where each location is cvPoint(x=col, y=row) zero-based

This function gets the locations and values of all points above a certain threshold

inMat input matrix
maxima the output vector of maxima
maximaLoc the vector of locations of the maxima, where each location is cvPoint(x=col, y=row) zero-based
threshold the threshold to get all points above
CvMat * LaneDetector::mcvGetNonZeroPoints ( const CvMat *  inMat,
bool  floatMat 

This function gets the indices of the non-zero values in a matrix

inMat the input matrix
outMat the output matrix, with 2xN containing the x and y in each column and the pixels value [xs; ys; pixel values]
floatMat whether to return floating points or integers for the outMat

This function gets the indices of the non-zero values in a matrix

inMat the input matrix
outMat the output matrix, with 2xN containing the x and y in each column
floatMat whether to return floating points or integers for the outMat
LineColor LaneDetector::mcvGetPointsColor ( const CvMat *  im,
const CvMat *  points,
int  window,
float  numYellowMin,
float  rgMin,
float  rgMax,
float  gbMin,
float  rbMin,
bool  rbf,
float  rbfThreshold 

This functions classifies the passed points according to their color to be either white, yellow, or neither

im the input color image
points the array of points
window the window to use
numYellowMin min percentage of yellow points
the line color
void LaneDetector::mcvGetPointsFeatures ( const CvMat *  points,
CvPoint2D32f *  centroid,
float *  theta,
float *  r,
float *  length,
float *  meanTheta,
float *  meanR,
float *  curveness 

This functions computes some features for a set of points

points the input points
centroid the computed centroid of the points
theta the major orientation of the points (angle of line joining first and last points, angle as in Hough Transform lines)
r distance from origin for line from first to last point
length the length of the line from first to last point
meanTheta the average orientation of the points (by computing mean theta for line segments form the points)
meanR the average distance from the origin of the points (the same computations as for meanTheta)
curveness computes the angle between vectors of points, which gives an indication of the curveness of the spline -1-->1 with 1 best and -1 worst
CvPoint2D32f LaneDetector::mcvGetPointsMeanVector ( const CvMat *  points,
bool  forward 

This functions gets the average direction of the set of points by computing the mean vector between points

points the input points [Nx2] matrix
forward go forward or backward in computation (default true)
the mean direction
FLOAT LaneDetector::mcvGetQuantile ( const CvMat *  mat,
FLOAT  qtile 

This function gets the qtile-th quantile of the input matrix

mat input matrix
qtile required input quantile probability
the returned value
void LaneDetector::mcvGetRansacLines ( const CvMat *  im,
vector< Line > &  lines,
vector< float > &  lineScores,
LaneDetectorConf *  lineConf,
LineType  lineType 

This function performs a RANSAC validation step on the detected lines

image the input image
inLines vector of lines
outLines vector of grouped lines
groupThreshold the threshold used for grouping
bbox the bounding box to intersect with
lineType the line type to work on (horizontal or vertical)

This function performs a RANSAC validation step on the detected lines

im the input image
lines vector of input lines
lineScores the scores of input lines
lineConf the parameters controlling its operation
lineType the type of line to work on (LINE_HORIZONTAL or LINE_VERTICAL)
void LaneDetector::mcvGetRansacSplines ( const CvMat *  im,
vector< Line > &  lines,
vector< float > &  lineScores,
LaneDetectorConf *  lineConf,
LineType  lineType,
vector< Spline > &  splines,
vector< float > &  splineScores,
LineState *  state 

This function performs a RANSAC validation step on the detected lines to get splines

image the input image
lines vector of input lines to refine
lineSCores the line scores input
groupThreshold the threshold used for grouping
bbox the bounding box to intersect with
lineType the line type to work on (horizontal or vertical)
prevSplines the previous splines to use in initializing the detection
void LaneDetector::mcvGetSplineFeatures ( const Spline &  spline,
CvPoint2D32f *  centroid,
float *  theta,
float *  r,
float *  length,
float *  meanTheta,
float *  meanR,
float *  curveness 

This functions computes some features for the spline

spline the input spline
centroid the computed centroid of spline (mean of control points)
theta the major orientation of the spline (angle of line joining first and last control points, angle as in Hough Transform lines)
r distance from origin for line from first to last control point
length the length of the line from first to last control point
meanTheta the average orientation of the spline (by computing mean theta for line segments form the spline)
meanR the average distance from the origin of the spline (the same computations as for meanTheta)
curveness computes the angle between vectors of control points, which gives an indication of the curveness of the spline -1-->1 with 1 best and -1 worst
void LaneDetector::mcvGetSplinesBoundingBoxes ( const vector< Spline > &  splines,
LineType  type,
CvSize  size,
vector< CvRect > &  boxes 

This function extracts bounding boxes from splines.

splines vector of splines
type the type of lines (LINE_HORIZONTAL or LINE_VERTICAL)
size the size of image containing the lines
boxes a vector of output bounding boxes
float LaneDetector::mcvGetSplineScore ( const CvMat *  image,
Spline &  spline,
float  h,
int  jitterVal,
float  lengthRatio,
float  angleRatio 

This functions computes the score of the given spline from the input image

image the input image
spline the input spline
h spline resolution
jitterVal the amounts to count scores around the spline in x & y directions
lengthRatio the ratio to add to score from the spline length
angleRatio the ratio to add to score from spline curvature measure
the score
void LaneDetector::mcvGetStopLines ( const CvMat *  inImage,
vector< Line > *  stopLines,
vector< float > *  lineScores,
const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo,
LaneDetectorConf *  stopLineConf 

This function detects stop lines in the input image using IPM transformation and the input camera parameters. The returned lines are in a vector of Line objects, having start and end point in input image frame.

image the input image
stopLines a vector of returned stop lines in input image coordinates
linescores a vector of line scores returned
cameraInfo the camera parameters
stopLineConf parameters for stop line detection
void LaneDetector::mcvGetStopLines ( const CvMat *  inImage,
vector< Line > *  stopLines,
vector< FLOAT > *  lineScores,
const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo,
LaneDetectorConf *  stopLineConf 

This function detects stop lines in the input image using IPM transformation and the input camera parameters. The returned lines are in a vector of Line objects, having start and end point in input image frame.

image the input image
stopLines a vector of returned stop lines in input image coordinates
linescores a vector of line scores returned
cameraInfo the camera parameters
stopLineConf parameters for stop line detection

Definition at line 1256 of file LaneDetector.cpp.

FLOAT_POINT2D LaneDetector::mcvGetVanishingPoint ( const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo  ) 

Computes the vanishing point in the image plane uv. It is the point of intersection of the image plane with the line in the XY-plane in the world coordinates that makes an angle yaw clockwise (form Y-axis) with Y-axis

cameraInfo the input camera parameter
the computed vanishing point in image frame
void LaneDetector::mcvGetVectorLocalMax ( const CvMat *  inVec,
vector< double > &  localMaxima,
vector< int > &  localMaximaLoc 

This function gets the local maxima in a vector and their positions

inVec input vector
localMaxima the output vector of local maxima
localMaximaLoc the vector of locations of the local maxima,
void LaneDetector::mcvGetVectorMax ( const CvMat *  inVector,
double *  max,
int *  maxLoc,
int  ignore = 0 

This function gets the maximum value in a vector (row or column) and its location

inVector the input vector
max the output max value
maxLoc the location (index) of the first max
ignore don't the first and last ignore elements
float LaneDetector::mcvGetVectorNorm ( const CvPoint2D32f &  v  ) 

This functions computes the vector norm

v input vector
norm of the vector

This functions computes the vector norm

v input vectpr
norm of the vector
void LaneDetector::mcvGroupBoundingBoxes ( vector< CvRect > &  boxes,
LineType  type,
float  groupThreshold 

This function groups together bounding boxes.

size the size of image containing the lines
boxes a vector of output grouped bounding boxes
type the type of lines (LINE_HORIZONTAL or LINE_VERTICAL)
groupThreshold the threshold used for grouping (ratio of overlap)
size the size of image containing the lines
boxes a vector of output grouped bounding boxes *
type the type of lines (LINE_HORIZONTAL or LINE_VERTICAL)
groupThreshold the threshold used for grouping (ratio of overlap)
void LaneDetector::mcvGroupLines ( vector< Line > &  lines,
vector< float > &  lineScores,
float  groupThreshold,
CvSize  bbox 

This function groups nearby lines

lines vector of lines
lineScores scores of input lines
groupThreshold the threshold used for grouping
bbox the bounding box to intersect with

This function groups nearby lines

inLines vector of lines
outLines vector of grouped lines
groupThreshold the threshold used for grouping
bbox the bounding box to intersect with
void LaneDetector::mcvGroupSplines ( vector< Spline > &  splines,
vector< float > &  scores 

This function groups nearby splines

splines vector of splines
lineScores scores of input lines
void LaneDetector::mcvInitCameraInfo ( char *const   fileName,
CameraInfo *  cameraInfo 

Initializes the cameraInfo structure with data read from the conf file

fileName the input camera conf file name
cameraInfo the returned camera parametrs struct
void LaneDetector::mcvInitLaneDetectorConf ( char *const   fileName,
LaneDetectorConf *  stopLineConf 

This initializes the LaneDetectorinfo structure

fileName the input file name
stopLineConf the structure to fill
void LaneDetector::mcvIntersectLineRThetaWithBB ( FLOAT  r,
FLOAT  theta,
const CvSize  bbox,
Line *  outLine 

This function intersects the input line (given in r and theta) with the given bounding box where the line is represented by: x cos(theta) + y sin(theta) = r

r the r value for the input line
theta the theta value for the input line
bbox the bounding box
outLine the output line
void LaneDetector::mcvIntersectLineRThetaWithRect ( FLOAT  r,
FLOAT  theta,
const Line &  rect,
Line &  outLine 

This function intersects the input line (given in r and theta) with the given rectangle where the line is represented by: x cos(theta) + y sin(theta) = r

r the r value for the input line
theta the theta value for the input line
rect the input rectangle (given two opposite points in the rectangle, upperleft->startPoint and bottomright->endPoint where x->right and y->down)
outLine the output line
void LaneDetector::mcvIntersectLineWithBB ( const Line *  inLine,
const CvSize  bbox,
Line *  outLine 

This function intersects the input line with the given bounding box

inLine the input line
bbox the bounding box
outLine the output line
bool LaneDetector::mcvIsPointInside ( FLOAT_POINT2D &  point,
const CvRect &  rect 

This function checks if the given point is inside the rectangle specified

inLine the input line
rect the specified rectangle
bool LaneDetector::mcvIsPointInside ( FLOAT_POINT2D &  point,
const Line &  rect 

This function checks if the given point is inside the rectangle specified

inLine the input line
rect the specified rectangle
bool LaneDetector::mcvIsPointInside ( FLOAT_POINT2D  point,
CvSize  bbox 

This function checks if the given point is inside the bounding box specified

inLine the input line
bbox the bounding box
outLine the output line
bool LaneDetector::mcvIsValidPeak ( const CvPoint2D32f &  peak,
const CvPoint2D32f &  tangent,
const CvPoint2D32f &  prevPoint,
float  angleThreshold 

This functions checks the peak point if much change in orientation

peak the input peak point
tangent the tangent line along which the peak was found normal to (normalized)
prevPoint the previous point along the tangent
angleThreshold the angle threshold to consider for valid peaks
true if useful peak, zero otherwise
void LaneDetector::mcvLines2Mat ( const vector< Line > *  lines,
CvMat *  mat 

This function converts an array of lines to a matrix (already allocated)

lines input vector of lines
size number of lines to convert
the converted matrix, it has 2x2*size where size is the number of lines, first row is x values (start.x, end.x) and second row is y-values
void LaneDetector::mcvLinesImIPM2Im ( vector< Line > &  lines,
IPMInfo &  ipmInfo,
CameraInfo &  cameraInfo,
CvSize  imSize 

This function converts lines from IPM image coordinates back to image coordinates

lines the input lines
ipmInfo the IPM info
cameraInfo the camera info
imSize the output image size (for clipping)
void LaneDetector::mcvLineXY2RTheta ( const Line &  line,
float &  r,
float &  theta 

This functions converts a line defined by its two end-points into its r and theta (origin is at top-left corner with x right and y down and theta measured positive clockwise(with y pointing down) -pi < theta < pi )

line input line
r the returned r (normal distance to the line from the origin)
outLine the output line

This functions converts a line defined by its two end-points into its r and theta (origin is at top-left corner with x right and y down and theta measured positive clockwise<with y pointing down> -pi<theta<pi)

line input line
r the returned r (normal distance to the line from the origin)
outLine the output line
Spline LaneDetector::mcvLineXY2Spline ( const Line &  line,
int  degree 

This functions converts a line to a spline

line the line
degree the spline degree
the returned spline
void LaneDetector::mcvLoadImage ( const char *  filename,
CvMat **  clrImage,
CvMat **  channelImage 

This function reads in an image from file and returns the original color image and the first (red) channel scaled to [0 .. 1] with float type. images are allocated inside the function, so you will need to deallocate them

clrImage the raw input image
channelImage the first channel

This function reads in an image from file and returns the original color image and the first (red) channel scaled to [0 .. 1] with float type. The images are allocated inside the function, so you will need to deallocate them

filename the input file name
clrImage the raw input image
channelImage the first channel
void LaneDetector::mcvLocalizePoints ( const CvMat *  im,
const CvMat *  inPoints,
CvMat *  outPoints,
int  numLinePixels,
float  angleThreshold 

This functions gives better localization of points along lines

im the input image
inPoints the input points Nx2 matrix of points
outPoints the output points Nx2 matrix of points
numLinePixels Number of pixels to go in normal direction for localization
angleThreshold Angle threshold used for localization (cosine, 1: most restrictive, 0: most liberal)

i ||

void LaneDetector::mcvMat2Lines ( const CvMat *  mat,
vector< Line > *  lines 

This function converts matrix into n array of lines

mat input matrix , it has 2x2*size where size is the number of lines, first row is x values (start.x, end.x) and second row is y-values
lines the rerurned vector of lines
void LaneDetector::mcvMatInt2Float ( const CvMat *  inMat,
CvMat *  outMat 

This function converts an INT mat into a FLOAT mat (already allocated)

inMat input INT matrix
outMat output FLOAT matrix
CvPoint2D32f LaneDetector::mcvMultiplyVector ( CvPoint2D32f  v,
float  s 

This functions multiplies a vector by a scalar

v the vector
s the scalar
the sum
CvPoint2D32f LaneDetector::mcvNormalizeVector ( float  x,
float  y 

This functions normalizes the given vector

x the x component
y the y component
CvPoint2D32f LaneDetector::mcvNormalizeVector ( const CvPoint &  v  ) 

This functions normalizes the given vector

vector the input vector to normalize
CvPoint2D32f LaneDetector::mcvNormalizeVector ( const CvPoint2D32f &  v  ) 

This functions normalizes the given vector

vector the input vector to normalize
void LaneDetector::mcvPointImIPM2World ( FLOAT_POINT2D *  point,
const IPMInfo *  ipmInfo 

Converts a point from IPM pixel coordinates into world coordinates

point in/out point
ipmInfo the ipm info from mcvGetIPM
void LaneDetector::mcvPostprocessLines ( const CvMat *  image,
const CvMat *  clrImage,
const CvMat *  rawipm,
const CvMat *  fipm,
vector< Line > &  lines,
vector< float > &  lineScores,
vector< Spline > &  splines,
vector< float > &  splineScores,
LaneDetectorConf *  lineConf,
LineState *  state,
IPMInfo &  ipmInfo,
CameraInfo &  cameraInfo 

This function postprocesses the detected lines/splines to better localize and extend them

image the input image
clrImage the inpout color image
rawipm the raw ipm image
fipm the filtered ipm iamge
lines a vector of lines
lineScores the line scores
splines a vector of returned splines
splineScores the spline scores
lineConf the conf structure
state the state for RANSAC splines
ipmInfo the ipmInfo structure
cameraInfo the camera info structure
void LaneDetector::mcvSampleWeighted ( const CvMat *  cumSum,
int  numSamples,
CvMat *  randInd,
CvRNG *  rng 

This function samples uniformly with weights

cumSum cumulative sum for normalized weights for the differnet samples (last is 1)
numSamples the number of samples
randInd a 1XnumSamples of int containing the indices
rng a pointer to a random number generator
void LaneDetector::mcvScaleCameraInfo ( CameraInfo *  cameraInfo,
CvSize  size 

Scales the cameraInfo according to the input image size

cameraInfo the input/return structure
size the input image size
void LaneDetector::mcvScaleMat ( const CvMat *  inMat,
CvMat *  outMat 

This function scales the input image to have values 0->1

inImage the input image
outImage hte output iamge
void LaneDetector::mcvSetMat ( CvMat *  inMat,
CvRect  mask,
double  val 

This function sets the matrix to a value except for the mask window passed in

inMat input matrix
mask the rectangle defining the mask: (xleft, ytop, width, height)
val the value to put
void LaneDetector::mcvSortPoints ( const CvMat *  inPoints,
CvMat *  outPoints,
int  dim,
int  dir 

This function sorts a set of points

inPOints Nx2 matrix of points [x,y]
outPOints Nx2 matrix of points [x,y]
dim the dimension to sort on (0: x, 1:y)
dir direction of sorting (0: ascending, 1:descending)

This function fits a Bezier spline to the passed input points

inPOints Nx2 matrix of points [x,y]
outPOints Nx2 matrix of points [x,y]
dim the dimension to sort on (0: x, 1:y)
dir direction of sorting (0: ascending, 1:descending)
void LaneDetector::mcvSplinesImIPM2Im ( vector< Spline > &  splines,
IPMInfo &  ipmInfo,
CameraInfo &  cameraInfo,
CvSize  imSize 

This function converts splines from IPM image coordinates back to image coordinates

splines the input splines
ipmInfo the IPM info
cameraInfo the camera info
imSize the output image size (for clipping)
CvPoint2D32f LaneDetector::mcvSubtractVector ( const CvPoint2D32f &  v1,
const CvPoint2D32f &  v2 

This functions computes difference between two vectors

v1 first vector
v2 second vector
difference vector v1 - v2
void LaneDetector::mcvThresholdLower ( const CvMat *  inMat,
CvMat *  outMat,
FLOAT  threshold 

This function thresholds the image below a certain value to the threshold so: outMat(i,j) = inMat(i,j) if inMat(i,j)>=threshold = threshold otherwise

inMat input matrix
outMat output matrix
threshold threshold value
void LaneDetector::mcvTransformGround2Image ( const CvMat *  inPoints,
CvMat *  outPoints,
const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo 

Transforms points from the ground plane (z=-h) in the world frame into points on the image in image frame (uv-coordinates)

inPoints 2xN array of input points on the ground in world coordinates
outPoints 2xN output points in on the image in image coordinates
cameraInfo the camera parameters
void LaneDetector::mcvTransformImage2Ground ( const CvMat *  inPoints,
CvMat *  outPoints,
const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo 

Transforms points from the image frame (uv-coordinates) into the real world frame on the ground plane (z=-height)

inPoints input points in the image frame
outPoints output points in the world frame on the ground (z=-height)
cemaraInfo the input camera parameters

Transforms points from the image frame (uv-coordinates) into the real world frame on the ground plane (z=-height)

inPoints input points in the image frame (2xN matrix)
outPoints output points in the world frame on the ground (z=-height) (2xN matrix with xw, yw and implicit z=-height)
cemaraInfo the input camera parameters
void LaneDetector::mcvTransformImIPM2Ground ( const CvMat *  inMat,
CvMat *  outMat,
const IPMInfo *  ipmInfo 

Converts from IPM pixel coordinates into world coordinates

inMat input matrix 2xN
outMat output matrix 2xN
ipmInfo the ipm info from mcvGetIPM
void LaneDetector::mcvTransformImIPM2Im ( const CvMat *  inMat,
CvMat *  outMat,
const IPMInfo *  ipmInfo,
const CameraInfo *  cameraInfo 

Converts from IPM pixel coordinates into Image coordinates

inMat input matrix 2xN
outMat output matrix 2xN
ipmInfo the ipm info from mcvGetIPM
cameraInfo the camera info
template<class T >
CvMat * LaneDetector::mcvVector2Mat ( const vector< T > &  vec  )  [inline]

This function creates a double matrix from an input vector

vec the input vector
mat the output matrix (column vector)
void LaneDetector::ProcessImage ( const char *  filename,
CameraInfo &  cameraInfo,
LaneDetectorConf &  lanesConf,
LaneDetectorConf &  stoplinesConf,
gengetopt_args_info options,
ofstream *  outputFile = NULL,
int  index = 0,
clock_t *  elapsedTime = NULL 

This function processes an input image and detects lanes/stoplines based on the passed in command line arguments

filename the input file name
cameraInfo the camera calibration info
lanesConf the lane detection settings
stoplinesConf the stop line detection settings
options the command line arguments
outputFile the output file stream to write output lanes to
index the image index (used for saving output files)
elapsedTime if NOT NULL, it is accumulated with clock ticks for the detection operation
bool LaneDetector::ReadLines ( const char *  filename,
vector< string > *  lines 

This function reads lines from the input file into a vector of strings

filename the input file name
lines the output vector of lines
void LaneDetector::SHOT_MAT_TYPE ( const CvMat *  pmat  ) 
void LaneDetector::SHOW_IMAGE ( Mat  pmat,
char  str[] 

Definition at line 110 of file mcv.cpp.

void LaneDetector::SHOW_IMAGE ( const IplImage *  pmat,
char  str[] 
void LaneDetector::SHOW_IMAGE ( const CvMat *  pmat,
const char  str[],
int  wait 
void LaneDetector::SHOW_LINE ( const Line  line,
char  str[] 
void LaneDetector::SHOW_MAT ( const CvMat *  pmat,
char  str[] 
void LaneDetector::SHOW_POINT ( const FLOAT_POINT2D  pt,
char  str[] 
void LaneDetector::SHOW_RECT ( const CvRect  rect,
char  str[] 
void LaneDetector::SHOW_SPLINE ( const Spline  spline,
char  str[] 

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 54 of file LaneDetector.cpp.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Author(s): Morais
autogenerated on Wed Jul 23 04:33:35 2014