File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*pgr_conversions.cppConversions for the PGR toolbox
o*pgr_conversions.hHeader file for the PGR conversions
o*pgr_registers.cppAdditional tools for the PGR toolbox
o*pgr_registers.hHeader file for the registers for the PGR toolbox
o*pgr_stereocam.cppStereo cam functions for the PGR toolbox
o*pgr_stereocam.hLibrary from Point Grey Research to access the xb3 images
o*pnmutils.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*test.cppJust a test file for seeing if the xb3 module works
o*test.hHeader file for the test file
o*triclops.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*triclops3d.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*triclopsbuffer.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*triclopscontext.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*triclopsimageio.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*triclopsrectify.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*triclopsstereo.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*triclopsvalidation.hThis is from point grey. Check the manual for instructions
o*xb3.cppActual cpp code for the xb3 module
o*xb3.hMain header file for the xb3 module

Author(s): Miguel Oliveira, Tiago Talhada
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:33:02