src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


file  callbacks.cpp [code]
 Callback code for the xgtk plug-in.
file  callbacks.h [code]
 Callback header, only function prototypes.
file  callbacks_mht.cpp [code]
 Callback code for the xgtk plug-in.
file  cluster.cpp [code]
 Hypotheses cluster class source code.
file  conversion.cpp [code]
 Demo source code just to teach the students about c++ features.
file  demo.cpp [code]
 Demo source code just to teach the students about c++ features.
file  gnn.cpp [code]
file  graph_wrapper.cpp [code]
 GVGraph class implementation code.
file  gvplugin_xgtk.cpp [code]
 Main xgtk plug-in implementation, global vars, engines and apis including the all important gvplugin_xgtk_LTX_library.
file  hypothesis.cpp [code]
 Hypothesis class source code.
file  hypothesisTree.cpp [code]
 Hypotheses tree class source code.
file  k_best.cpp [code]
 K-best Murtys' algorithm s.
file  line_fitting.cpp [code]
 Line fitting experimental code.
file  log_recorder.cpp [code]
 Convert a laser scan in ros format to a text ASCII file.
file  matrix.cpp [code]
 Auxiliary external matrix class source code.
file  measurement.cpp [code]
 Measurement class source code.
file  metrics.cpp [code]
 Distance metrics source code.
file  mht.cpp [code]
 MHT main implementation.
file  mht_implementation.cpp [code]
 MHT class source code.
file  mht_types.cpp [code]
 MHT generic types source code, NOT USED, DEPRECATED.
file  motionModel.cpp [code]
 Motion model class source code.
file  mtt.cpp [code]
 Main node source code for the mtt algorithm, handlers and loop.
file  mtt_association.cpp [code]
 Data association functions header.
file  mtt_auxiliar.cpp [code]
 Auxiliary functions from the mtt tracking.
file  mtt_auxiliar_pedect.cpp [code]
 Auxiliary functions from the mtt tracking.
file  mtt_clustering.cpp [code]
 Clustering related functions.
file  mtt_draw.cpp [code]
 Draw functions for the old mtt tracking.
file  mtt_kalman.cpp [code]
 Kalman estimation related functions.
file  mtt_new_msg.cpp [code]
 Main node source code for the mtt algorithm, handlers and loop.
file  munkres.cpp [code]
 External library to preform the Hungarian algorithm (Munkres)
file  planar_pc_generator.cpp [code]
 Planar scan generator from laser messages.
file  pmht.cpp [code]
 Source code for the Multi-Hypothesis Tracking data association algorithm.
file  point.cpp [code]
 Point class source code.
file  simple_planar_pc_generator.cpp [code]
 Simple planar scan generator.
file  simple_planar_pc_generator_atlasmv.cpp [code]
 Simple planar scan generator.
file  target.cpp [code]
 Target class source code.
file  types_implementation.cpp [code]
 Constant velocity Kalman Filter source code.

Author(s): Jorge Almeida
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:19