File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*conio.cppConio windows functions source file
o*conio.hMy version of conio.h include file that some portions of code provided by SensAble require
o*gtk_aux.cppGTK auxiliary functions implementation
o*gtk_aux.hGtk_aux.h file for this module. Contains prototypes and includes
o*gtk_interface.cppGTK interface functions
o*gtk_interface.hGtk_interface.h file for this module. Contains includes, prototypes and defines
o*haptic_rendering_funx.cppHaptic rendering functions implementation
o*haptic_rendering_funx.hHaptic_rendering_funx.h file for this module. Contains includes, prototypes and global vars
o*hd_hl_apis_aux.cppAuxiliary haptic functions implementation
o*hd_hl_apis_aux.hHd_hl_apis_aux.h file for this module. Contains includes, prototypes and global vars
o*hd_hl_apis_callbacks.cppAuxiliary haptic callbacks implementation
o*hd_hl_apis_callbacks.hHd_hl_apis_callbacks.h file for this module. Contains includes, prototypes and global vars
o*humanoid_control_functions.cppHumanoid control functions implementation
o*humanoid_control_functions.hHumanoid_control_functions.h file for this module. Contains includes and prototypes
o*humanoid_functions.cppHumanoid functions implementation
o*humanoid_functions.hHumanoid_functions.h file for this module. Contains includes, prototypes and defines
o*main.cppMain source code, for the humanoid haptics
o*main.hMain.h file file for this module. Contains includes
o*miscellaneous.cppMiscellaneous functions implementation
o*miscellaneous.hMiscellaneous.h file for this module. Contains prototypes, includes and defines
\*types.hTypes.h file for this module. Contains types and structures used by the application

Author(s): Pedro Cruz
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:36