Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::breadth_first_queued_iteratorBreadth-first iterator, using a queue
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::children_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes which are siblings of each other
ClusterHypotheses cluster class
ColorColor class, extension to std_msgs::ColorRGBA
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::compare_nodes< StrictWeakOrdering >Comparator class for two nodes of a tree (used for sorting and searching)
constant_velocity_ekfilterConstant velocity Kalman filter
constantVelocityEKFilterConstant velocity Kalman filter
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::fixed_depth_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes at a given depth from the root
GVGraphAn object containing a libgraph graph and its associated nodes and edges.
HypothesisHypotheses tree nodes
HypothesisTreeHypotheses tree
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_baseBase class for iterators, only pointers stored, no traversal logic
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base_lessComparator class for iterators (compares pointer values; why doesn't this work automatically?)
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::leaf_iteratorIterator which traverses only the leaves
MarkersDynamic markers support class
Matrix< T >
MeasurementMeasurement class type
MhtBig and complicated class that implements the MHT (Multiple Hypotheses Tracking) algorithm
MotionModelNonholonomic Motion model abstraction layer
nonholonomicEKFilterNonholonomic Kalman filter
PointSimple point class
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::post_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the children, then the node itself
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::pre_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the node, then its children
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::sibling_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes which are siblings of each other
st_clusterThis structure contains all point cluster information
st_lineThis structure contains a single line properties
st_objectThis structure contains object information
t_classificationObject classification in regard to velocity and occlusion
t_clusterCluster type class, clusters are groups of points in close proximity
t_configThis structure contains global configurations parameters
t_dataThis structure has all points coordinates
t_errorsEstimation errors
t_flagThis structure contains global flags parameters
t_fpsIterations per second structure
t_linked_listFull description of and tracked object
t_measurementsSingle XY measurement
t_motion_modelsMotion models structure
t_nodeClass handler for tree nodes
t_object_morphologyMorphologic information of target
t_pathList of XY points
t_pointPolar point structure
t_positionPosition structure, estimated and predicted values
t_search_areaEllipsoid target gait area
t_timersTimers structure
t_velocityTarget velocity data
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >
tree_node_< T >A node in the tree, combining links to other nodes as well as the actual data
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Jorge Almeida
autogenerated on Wed Jul 23 04:34:58 2014